To support students who may be struggling with low mood, anxiety, self-esteem or other mental health issues, we have a number of trained and qualified staff providing mentoring to students ranging from the Deputy Headteacher to Inclusion Managers to mentors, as well as a school counsellor. As well as providing a listening ear, our mentoring provision makes use of practical strategies for specific issues such as mindfulness, anger replacement therapy, managing exam anxiety, art therapy and other wellbeing initiatives. We also run a full-time Safe Space provision, a sensory space that some students are able to visit during the school day to have a time out for a few minutes from the hustle and bustle of everyday school life, talk to a trained member of staff and be ready to go back into their lesson. Our Inclusion team leads on most of our work with other agencies that promote equality, diversity and inclusion, each year identifying the needs of the school depending on the issues of most concern to our students.