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Cotham School

Trips and Visits Support

Cotham School wishes to extend to all students the opportunity to take part in curricular and enrichment activities and visits. However, due to the high demand for places on some trips it is necessary for the school to have a system of allocating places; where demand is higher than the number of places available a draw will take place to select the students who will be offered a place. A reserve list of students who have not been offered a place will be held; if a place subsequently becomes available a further draw will be held to allocate the place to a student on the reserve list.

In line with school and DfE policy the school may ask parents for set voluntary contributions towards the cost of curricular trips, but if the trip cannot be fully funded then it will have to be cancelled. Enrichment trips (out of school hours) will be charged at a level to cover costs to the school; however parents in receipt of certain benefits may be exempt from the costs of board and lodging on residential trips.

Parents of students who are on the schools Pupil Premium Register may request financial support to enable their child to participate in an activity or visit, all requests will be considered on an individual basis, within the constraints of the funds that are available at that time. Any financial support offered will be to a maximum of £150 per academic year per individual student; the maximum amount of financial support that will be offered for any single event will be 50% of the total to a maximum of £100.

To apply for financial support parents are required to complete and return a Financial Support Request Form (email completed form to, The Visit Leader will assess all requests and will make the final decision on whether the request should be approved, taking into account, attendance, classwork, behaviour and any previous financial support that might have been granted during the academic year.

To further support all parents, the school is able to offer a scheme through the on-line payment system, WISEPAY, to enable parents to make regular payments, which can accumulate over time, and can be transferred to any event that they wish their child to participate in, parents can request a refund of any unallocated funds held at any time by contacting the finance office. Parents that choose to take up this option must be aware that no interest is payable on any funds held.