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Cotham School

Report a concern

You can report a concern about your own safety or wellbeing, or someone else's, in several ways.

You can:

  • talk to your tutor
  • talk to your Learning Coordinator or Year Team Assistant
  • talk to any Trusted Adult in the School
  • talk to a member of the Safeguarding Team

You can also report concerns without immediately talking to someone in the school in the following ways:

  • Report bullying at Cotham School by clicking on this

  • Go to the CEOP website here to anonymously report if you or someone else is being sexually abused or exploited

  • Call or send an email to Childline. Their number is 0800 111 or you can send an email by visiting the Childline website here

  • Sign up to here, or download the app, to get free and anonymous access to mental health support and online counselling

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Outside of school hours, you can also contact