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Cotham School

Cotham School's Duke of Edinburgh Award


Welcome to The Duke of Edinburgh Award at Cotham School.

At Cotham school we offer the Bronze award to Students in Y10 and the Gold award for students in Y12.

The Duke of Edinburgh award is an amazing opportunity for students to widen their horizons and experience aspects of life that they would not normally be exposed to.

Bronze Information:

The Bronze award consists of 3 months of voluntary work (one hour a week), 3 months of a skill (one hour a week), 3 months of a physical activity (one hour a week) and a further 3 months of one of your choice.

We then have two weekends away where students hike and camp. Working together as a team they learn to navigate and develop camp skills. While also having to navigate and organise their food for the two days each weekend.

Each year we have over 50 students that take part and it is always a great experience for all involved.

Gold Information:

The Gold award consists of 6 months of voluntary work (one hour a week), 6 months of a skill (one hour a week), 6 months of a physical activity (one hour a week) and a further 6 months of one of your choice.

The Expedition for Gold is longer than for Bronze, both the practice and qualifying expedition consist of 4 days, 3 nights of walking and navigation, with a single night of wild camping. During their expedition they will also need to create a presentation of some sort appropriate to the area they are walking through.

It also includes a week-long residential that students will need to find and set up themselves (although we will help them do this).

Sign up:

Bronze and Gold awards will be announced at the start of each year in assemblies and students will be given a window of time to sign up and join via Wisepay.

Useful links:

  • E-DofE website to log in (here)
  • Log pages to keep track of your activities (here)
  • Digital copies of the Welcome Pack (here)
  • Ideas for activities you can do (here)

If you have any questions about the Duke of Edinburgh Award at Cotham school please do not hesitate to contact Mr Barber on or have a look at the Duke of Edinburgh website.